Mobile Services

Mobile Services

Employees may use the communications and collaboration tools you provide, but many are bringing in their own devices, expecting to connect seamlessly with corporate applications and each other. This new mobile business model — with anytime, anywhere transactions and a blurring of lines between corporate and individual — can make your IT organization feel like it has lost control. For all the good that comes with mobilizing your workforce, there are challenges: maintaining security and compliance, managing multiple device platforms and addressing complex mobile requirements.
Acentle can help your staff develop the right strategy and governance and deliver a wide range of mobile enterprise services to create a more productive, connected workplace.

Mobile Infrastructure Strategy and Planning

Accelerate deployment of your mobile initiatives with strategic planning

Mobile Enterprise Services

Manage BYOD and the proliferation of smart phones, tablets and handheld devices in your enterprise and the growing demand for secure access to corporate data

Network Infrastructure Services for Mobile

Design an enterprise wireless infrastructure that connects people to each other and the information they need, while lowering costs and enhancing security

Mobile Security services

Protect smart phone and tablet users against mobile device risks like theft, viruses, spyware and unauthorized applications

Unified communication and collaboration for mobile

Connect and collaborate with unified communications services with integrated voice, data and video to support a mobile workforce

Mobile Application Platform Management

Develop, deploy and better manage end-user mobile applications

Smart Business Desktop Cloud

Private cloud solutions to support your mobile enterprise